About STG

To reach me please email me at jgarcia19@msn.com

First off I would like to thank you all for taking the time to visit this new and , admittedly, crude website. I will be working on the design and look of this site as I go, so bare with me.

Share The Groove came about because of my love and passion for EDM, I spend hours on end searching for the most bangin, fresh, ill, dope, killer, sick, etc... music out there. I truly believe music is beautiful, it can change your mood, take you on an adventure, and especially bring us all together as one, it is because of that reason that I wish to share it with you.

Buying music now a days can be very expensive, one dollar a track (often times more) adds up quick. STG was also created with this in mind. All the tracks that I post here will be free to download, but only those that are provided by the artist or label. STG is meant to provide you with all free downloads and at the same time promote the artists without encouraging pirating.

Here is the part that I ask for something in return. Help me get the word out about this site, post it on FB, tell your friend, make posters, get all sorts of creative on it. It is a win win situation for all, you get free music, artists get free promotion, and maybe if you click on enough ad banners I get payed and can therefore provide you with more hits. I also recommend that you check up on this site regularly, preferably make a book mark, so you can always check on whats new.

Thank you for helping me "Share The Groove"

Developer and fellow fan

P.S.  Please leave any questions, comments or concerns in the comment section right under this post. Also feel free to say whats up or maybe just tell me how dope this site is.

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